Friday 27 November 2015

What you need to know about your website ( Part 1)

You already have a you are in the current market league!

But a few things to share before we congratulate you.Most of the time, a company builds a website because "it has to"..and not because "it feels the need to". So where do you figure in this. Its very important to know what your website can do for you or what it is doing for you.Its better not to have a website that detriments or harms your company image rather than having one that looks like a truck ran over it.

A few points that you should know about websites.

A Glamour Model and an Actor are both seen on the larger than life silver screen.But the similarity ends there. For a Glamour model looks count but for an actor it is about looks and substance. Good looks is short lived... so is the fame, Good Acting may give an actor a stability in their career, but Good Looks and Good Acting skills (substance) can take the actor a very long way. So does a website. 

" Just a good design doesn't make a good website...the looks and content is very important".

The person who you want the most to find your the person who is searching for your website.

The target audience of your websites are your potential customers. They can be CURRENT  AND PAST CUSTOMERS SEEKING SUPPORT and can even be potential investors looking to invest in your company.

Your websites should help you know your target audience.

Most importantly you need to know what you want your visitors to do on your website.

  1. View your website...( doesnt serve a purpose if they dont have anything interesting to see on it). So they should be able to find the information that they are looking for.
  2. Purchase a product : In which case the landing page should have an attractive content to guide them in telling them what they need to know and how to go about buying it.
  3. Fill Out a Form : There should be a reason or inspiration for them to fill the form. A visitor will never fill a form without any benefit out of it. This form can be a requisite for the visitor to download a product / service catalogue or brochure. It can be for availing a discount or a  free offer or to subscribe to a newsletter that has content which benefits them.
  4. Comment on a blog : Blogs are essentially a nice way of expressing your company's visions and other news related to your product and services. This can also work as a customer service platform rather than having comments on the public social media which can be beneficial as well as harmful at times.
  5. Visit your store or office : A website also works as your company's calling card.
  6. Call your Sales Number : In which case the sales number should be prominently displayed on the landing page.

What ever you want the visitor to do... you need to optimize the pages that you want most of the people to get from the search engines and for best results the landing page should always have the information that the visitor is looking for.

** Landing pages are the pages on your website, where the visitors from search engines land on, when they click to your website link after it features in the results that come after they have made a search.

Landing pages play a major role in conversions as it is the page that speaks to your audience and gives the first impression of your it has to be taken care what it shows as it can create a positive lasting impression or the first and last impression.

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